Declarer had to navigate around the distribution to succeed but, at least, visualisation revealed what it was. Would you have planned and executed the hand the same way?

Dealer: East
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South’s choice of 3S, opposed to a take-out double, was correct, since at least a 5-3 or 5-2 fit can be found. Almost always, it is right to overcall a five-card major suit opposed to doubling. North friskily raised to game. West started with A♦, encouraged by East, and continued with K♦ and 3♦. East duly ruffed the third diamond, and switched to K♣.

Declarer won, drew only two rounds of trumps, noting that East started with two, and translated this information into East’s hand pattern of 2-2-2-7. Since K♥ must be with West to retain any chance of success, declarer realised that 10♥ and 8♥ were both crucial. To this end, he hoped to find East with 10♥, which he knew would be a doubleton. He led J♥, covered by West’s K♥, and won in dummy with A♥. South now made the key play of cashing Q♥, delighted to see East drop 10♥. Next, he could return to hand with a top trump, and finally finesse West for 8♥ on the third round. When that held, 9♥ was used to discard 2♣, and 4H had been brought home . . . 

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