The US Federal Reserve is fiercely independent, but that doesn’t mean politicians always treat it that way. The FT’s US national editor, Edward Luce, and acting US economics editor, Claire Jones, join this week’s Swamp Notes to explain how the central bank’s policy could affect the economy and therefore have an impact on the election result. Plus, why a second term for Donald Trump could put pressure on the Fed to play politics.

Mentioned in this podcast:

Trump’s dot plot for the Fed

Jay Powell’s dilemma: the US economy is too strong to cut rates

Global inflation and interest rates tracker: see how your country compares

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Swamp Notes is produced by Ethan Plotkin, Sonja Hutson, Lauren Fedor and Marc Filippino. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. Special thanks to Pierre Nicholson. Original music by Hannis Brown.

CREDIT: US Federal Reserve

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